Dec / Jan / Feb 2025
Vol. XXXII, No. 2

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More Family Travel

Almost two years ago my family (siblings and their children) traveled together to Rwanda for a nephew’s wedding. We had a remarkable time moving from one end of the country to another. We had such a good time that we decided to meet in the south of France this past June.

A House in Hyères 

After some searching we found a house that would sleep 24 people in Hyères, France, which is between Toulon and Cannes on the Cȏte d’Azur. Despite living in France for two years and visiting widely in the country, I had never been to that part of the French coast. 

The house turned out to be perfect for our family – lots of bedrooms and bathrooms and plenty of privacy. It sat on a “mountain” once owned by Queen Victoria called Le Mont des Oiseaux and had killer views of the Giens Peninsula and the islands off the coast. It was said that Queen Victoria snuck out in the mornings to sit and listen to the birds on the mountain.

The region was perfect for our group. Those who came ranged in age from 8 to 80. In Hyeres and the surrounding area, there were many beaches, hiking opportunities, farmers’ markets and historical sites. In the town center of Hyères, which was a trading port beginning with the Greeks, there were many layers of history and art going back to Greek and Roman times. We spent a lot of time in the old town wandering around and eating. 

Split up in large and small groups we also explored Île de Porquerolles, one of the Îles d’Hyères, a ferry-ride away, visited the lovely town of Cassis, and went down the coast to Le Lavendou, where we hiked and swam and rode in boats.

Few Tourists

What made a visit to the area surprising was the fact that there are very few American tourists or any tourists at all. Most of those on the beaches and most of the hikers were French people who had second homes in the area. There are very few hotels. We were there in June when beaches were not at all crowded, but the farmers’ markets were packed with wonderful fruits and vegetables, and the weather was lovely most of the time. We did experience dust storms from Africa which were unusual for June. 

All in all it turned out to be another lovely multi-generational family vacation.

The view.