Dec / Jan / Feb 2025
Vol. XXXII, No. 2

in this issue

Edition - Pete’s Corner

We are fortunate to have two articles in this issue by Pete Eikenberry. First is a piece titled, “Why I Became a Lawyer.” He follows with an article titled, “The Opportunities for Young Lawyers to Volunteer for Public Service.”
In the 1995 book, “Law Firm and the Public Good,” edited by Robert A. Katzmann, the late judge wrote that: The lawyer’s function is grounded in . . . morality, the idea that special obligations attach to certain roles – in this case, to render justice. . . . The state grants an effective monopoly, in exchange for lawyers, as officers of the court, discharging their duty to further equality before the law. . . .
Pete Eikenberry spoke recently with Peter Neufeld, a co-founder of The Innocence Project, about his work.